The main index keeps crashing while updating.
Here's a sample of the log:
2017/05/24, 17:15:12 -0400: Progress: status=updating, task=none, 533029 of
1871366, remaining 1436 s,
2017/05/24, 17:15:40 -0400: Progress: status=updating, task=sorting, 536655
of 1871366, remaining 1492 s,
2017/05/24, 17:16:06 -0400: ### HIERARCHICAL EXCEPTION CAUGHT Indexer::Run
main ###
class=FoxT, what=12, when=33, err=0, name=Index
class=FoxT, what=100, when=36, err=0, name=Index
class=FoxT, what=100, when=35, err=0, name=Index
class=FoxT, what=100, when=8, err=0, name=Index
2017/05/24, 17:16:06 -0400: Stopping Indexer (pid=26771)
2017/05/24, 17:38:56 -0400: Starting Indexer (pid=28100)
launching crawler
OK (pid=28104)
trying to connect to crawler
crawler port = 51316
query server port = 51318
2017/05/24, 17:38:58 -0400: waiting connection on port 51318...
2017/05/24, 17:38:58 -0400: Starting indexing updates of /Users/mark/Library
2017/05/24, 17:38:58 -0400: Progress: status=updating, task=none, 1 of
1871366, remaining -1 s,
2017/05/24, 17:39:00 -0400: ...client talking from host port
2017/05/24, 17:39:00 -0400: ...client connected
2017/05/24, 17:39:00 -0400: waiting connection on port 51318...
2017/05/24, 17:39:00 -0400: client thread 0x00007f96c001a9f0 started
2017/05/24, 17:39:05 -0400: ### HIERARCHICAL EXCEPTION CAUGHT
HandleNextActionByPriority ###
class=FoxT, what=12, when=33, err=0, name=Index
class=FoxT, what=100, when=37, err=0, name=Index
class=FoxT, what=100, when=38, err=0, name=Index
2017/05/24, 17:39:05 -0400: ### HIERARCHICAL EXCEPTION CAUGHT
HandleNextActionByPriority ###
class=FoxT, what=12, when=33, err=0, name=Index
class=FoxT, what=100, when=37, err=0, name=Index
class=FoxT, what=100, when=38, err=0, name=Index
2017/05/24, 17:39:28 -0400: Progress: status=updating, task=none, 78762 of
1871366, remaining 683 s,
2017/05/24, 17:39:58 -0400: Progress: status=updating, task=none, 156873 of
1871366, remaining 656 s,
On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 12:10:30 PM UTC-4, foxtrot-search wrote:
> *[CALL TO ACTION] testing new FoxTrot Search version 6 public beta 5
> please*
> Dear FoxTrot-Search customers,
> Please find below the last public beta before release. PLEASE, may we ask
> you to download, install, use and report back on here or using our
> reporting form
> version-6.html
> There have been quite a bit of downloading going on, but too little
> feedback. Even if all is well, we do want to hear about it before the final
> 6.0 release.
> The FoxTrot-search team
> at CTM Development SA
> *FoxTrot 6.0 beta 5 release notes*
> Welcome to the third *public* beta of FoxTrot Professional Search,
> FoxTrot Search Server and FoxTrot Personal Search.
> One year in the making, this release is index-compatible with version 5.7
> so you can run either alternatively without compromising your indices.
> This release has been extensively tested in-house and we feel it is ripe
> for beta testing with our most dedicated users, which is why you are
> receiving this (as a member of the foxtrot-discuss Google group)
> To download, please use either of the following links:
> FoxTrot Professional Search:
> 0b5.dmg
> FoxTrot Personal Search:
> rch_60b.dmg
> FoxTrot Search Server:
> r_60b5.dmg
> To contribute a report (strongly encouraged !) please use the following
> link:
> version-6.html
> *What’s new in 6.0b5 (from version 5):*
> ▾ *Increased performance*
> - optimized some operations when the index is stored on a rotational
> - reduce file fragmentation
> - reduced memory usage when displaying some HTML or PDF files
> - Now built using Apple’s latest XCode version 8 compilers
> ▾ *Feature enhancements*
> - Added option to only index filenames when indexing contents
> - reduced the number of situations where the “manage indices” window
> is partially empty, when the indexer is busy
> - "copy path" added to the contextual menu (search results, indexed
> locations, black list)
> - show missing disk space when attempting manual compact and disk is
> almost full
> - file paths are now clickable with a popup menu to reveal in finder
> any parent folder
> - also display in the status bar the number of items found outside of
> the target folder, when searching only in a specific folder
> - allow drag-select to toggle multiple checkboxes (manage indices's
> file types)
> - added a button to rebuild an index, when it is not started
> ▾ *Enhanced multi-user and client-server features and license management * (FoxTrot
> Pro 5 user and above & FoxTrot Search Server)
> - Simplified the File Sharing integration to reduce the risk of having
> access only to document text instead of rich documents from mounted servers
> - Added the ability to use a custom certificate for authenticated
> connections
> - Implemented certificate trust management for authenticated
> connections. (now you know what the letters CTM stands for)
> - Updated to use a modern OpenSSL version
> - After 5 failed login attempts, FoxTrot delays logging in for 15s,
> then 30s, 60s etc
> - In Admin, allows selecting multiple users to delete them
> - Now allows drag-select to toggle multiple checkboxes (admin's
> sharing users)
> - Optionally, FoxTrot Server can now automatically install its
> registration code to logged-in FoxTrot Pro clients
> - Implemented better verification of simultaneous usage on multiple
> machines
> *▾* *Code modernization*
> - Implements modern windows (with no window title)
> - Modernized some icons and widgets
> - Now built using Apple’s latest XCode version 8 compilers
> - New minimum requirements: macOS 10.9 or later
> - removed dependency to deprecated QuickTime to preview video and
> audio files
> ▾ *Better diagnostics*
> - logged file exceptions include filenames
> - more detailed logging when in indexing is very slow
> - when processing a specific file takes longer than usual, the file
> name is now displayed in the “manage indices” progress.
> *▾* *Synchronization of index files to iPad’s and iPhones running FoxTrot
> Attaché search*
> - Added built-in *Google drive* support for maintaining up-to-date
> index archives from FoxTrot Pro or Server to iOS devices running FoxTrot
> Attaché Search
> ▾ *Miscellaneous enhancements and other fixes*
> - highlighting of [washington -"new york" boston] (no longer
> highlights occurrences of [new] or [york])
> - the index could stop responding when attempting to search for
> regular expressions on an index not configured to "store document textual
> contents"
> - an error message is now displayed when attempting to search for
> exact strings on an index not configured to "store document textual
> contents"
> - possible crash fixed on startup in certain circumstances
> - on macOS 10.11 and later, pinch-zooming would not work as expected
> - an "unregistered" dialog could appear when launching FoxTrot, when
> using regular expressions or exact matches
> -